Brad needed some dental work done before school started so we took an unplanned trip out to Missouri. It was so much fun for the kids to see Grandma and Grandpa Parkin's house, we haven't been there since I was pregnant with Carter because Carter wasn't able to travel with his health problems as a baby. This is Carter at the St. Luis Zoo, he got his face painted like a giraffe and loved it.
Ron took Carter and Brad fishing. They caught a couple of fish put Carter's favorite part was the worms. He loved being the worm guy and get the worms ready for the hooks.
Ron took Carter and Brad fishing. They caught a couple of fish put Carter's favorite part was the worms. He loved being the worm guy and get the worms ready for the hooks.
Grandpa Parkin let Carter have a dental "check up" too. Carter loves reading the Critter books and he wanted everything that the Critter gets to do at the dentist.